Coffee beans are the lifeblood of the coffee culture. From Africa to Asia, people love their morning cup o’ joe and will do anything for it!
And with so many different brewing styles out there – you can choose the one that works best for you!
As a coffee lover, you can easily sense the taste differences from French Press to Espresso. It happens due to the different roasting profiles, grind sizes, coffee-water ratio, and brewing parameters. As a result, we need diverse brewing methods to brew our favorite cups.
Let’s walk together to learn the different coffee brewing methods from this article. Here, you will find both hot and cold coffee brewing methods. We also cover distinctive brewing methods like Chemex to French Press to Espresso.
Coffee And Coffee Making
Coffee is none other than the extraction of the coffee bean grounds. It boosts our energy and makes us refresh. You will find 40 mg amount of caffeine in every 100 grams of coffee. If you use decaf coffee beans, then it contains almost no caffeine.
Different coffee-making methods are responsible for the diverse taste of the coffee. We got many brewing methods at the variance of country and community. For instance, Turkish coffee comes from Turkey and has distinctive brewing methods. French Press is popular in Europe, America, Australia, and Africa. But, it has separate names according to the country. Though the origin of the Espresso drink is in Italy, it conquered the whole world. Dear fellow coffee lovers, do not worry. Here, I will describe different ways to brew coffee drinks. It starts from traditional to modern and slow-brewed to cappuccino.
Different Coffee Brewing Methods
Core coffee brewing methods are divided into these 4 ways.
The first one is “boiling” coffee. It’s just like tea making process. Pouring some water into a saucepan, bringing it to a boil, and then adding some coffee to it is all there is to it. You can have boiled coffee in black or with milk.
While other brewing methods pass hot water through coffee grounds, steeped coffee floods the grounds with hot water for a couple of minutes.
Now comes the 2nd most popular brew method, drip brewing. It uses a filter (paper or metal) full of ground coffee and hot water to drip the water onto the filter. Most coffeemakers apply the drip brew method.
Then we come to the most popular brew method, pressure brewing. It’s popular because it’s used to make espresso, and espresso machines use this brew method. It pushes pressurized water (near boiling point) through a “puck” of finely ground coffee and a filter to produce a thick, concentrated, and delicious cup of espresso.
There are many ways to brew coffee, from the traditional way of stovetop makers all the way up to modern devices that can produce a perfect cup at any time. Chemex, French Press, and Drip coffees equal popular since the seventeenth century. But, the demands for these coffees never lessen.
We will not corner up these coffees as traditional. Reasonably we are going to highlight every distinctive brewing method.
Pour-over coffee
The Chemex coffee maker uses the pour-over brewing method. Chemex is a glass coffeemaker. The hour-glass shape flask combines with a conical funnel neck. There is a wooden collar around the neck to block the heat burn your hand. A leather thong tied this wooden collar with the flask. This whole appearance makes the coffeemaker distinctive and appealing. The glass neck holds the proprietary bonded filter paper with coffee. It is thicker than regular filter paper. So, the dissolved things cannot pass through the filters and make clear drinks. This filter also enhances the taste and entirely removes the bitterness of coffee. It also takes off the cafestol from your sips. Now, check the equipment and brewing process.
Required equipment:
- A Chemex coffeemaker
- Filter paper: Proprietary bonded filter
- Medium-sized coffee ground
- Gooseneck kettle
- Serving cups
Brewing process
- Put the paper filter into the flask neck and rinse it with hot water
- Throw away the water into the sink
- Put medium or coarser ground coffee into the filter
- Add a slight amount of 93-96 °C (195-205 °F) hot water into the grounds and give a gentle stir
- Then add more water in a spiral way. Use a gooseneck kettle to control the water flow
- After passing all the water through the filter, remove the filter from the fennel. This process may take 3-5 minutes
- Now, your coffee is ready. Pour and serve when you need
- Brews 10 cups at a time
- Doesn’t create a mess with the coffee grounds
- Makes clear and full-flavored coffee without oils
- Simple to repair, dishwasher safe, and simple to use
- Only uses paper filters
Cup Brewers
Cup brewers are also pour-over coffee brewers. There are 2 types of cup brewers. One is cone brewers, and the other is flat brewers. Some cup brewers are Kalita Wave, Hario V60, Bee House, and Melitta brewers. Depending on the brand, there are 1 to 3 holes in the pour-over cup brewers. These holes control the water flow during the brewing process. Since the hole numbers vary, brewing time also varies. Different brewers use different types of filter papers. Easy cleaning is another facility for these brewers. Sometimes, these cup brewers refer to cup drippers as well. During brewing, you can fit these brewers above anything. The reason is each brewer has an extended flat bottom. There are also automatic pour-over coffee brewers.
Required equipment:
- A flat or cone brewer
- Filter paper: cone or cup filters
- Corse to medium-sized coffee ground
- Gooseneck kettle
- Serving cups or a carafe
Brewing process
- Set the cup brewers with a filter on a container or carafe. Also, pour some hot water to heat the coffee collector and brewer
- Empty the coffee collector and put the required amount of coffee ground into the filter
- Add some water so that it can bloom the taste. Sometimes a gentle stir may need to help the process
- Now, start adding hot water slowly. Use a de-centric or centric spiral style for pouring hot water into the ground
- Wait and let the water pass thoroughly into the collector
- Remove the used ground and the brewers over your cup
- Your coffee is ready to enjoy
- Easy to clean up
- Produces smooth and tasty coffee
- Elegant, simple, and easy-to-use design
- There are numerous sizes and materials to select from
- It has a long learning curve
- Works only with specialty paper filters
French Press
French Press is an Italian-style coffeemaker. The name of the French Press varies from country to country. It consists of a cylindrical carafe and a plunger. The plunger is attached to the lid. There has a filter combination to hold the ground at the bottom. It connects with the other side of the plunger. The design history started in the mid-18th century. Since then, it outlasts popularity among coffee lovers. The cleaning process is easy. But, you may struggle a little while assembling them after a deep cleaning. The brewing process is more straightforward than the pour-over brewing process. Since there is a metal filter at the bottom of the plunger, you do not need any external filter papers. So, the drink is cloudier than the pour-over drinks.
Required equipment:
- A French Press coffeemaker
- Corse to medium-sized coffee ground
- Filter paper: no external filter is needed
- Hot water kettle
- Serving cups or a carafe
Brewing process
- Heat the French Press carafe and the cup you are serving with hot water
- Empty the carafe and put the ground coffee in it
- Add a slight amount of 93–96 °C (199–205 °F) hot water and stir it properly. Wait for 30 seconds to bloom
- Then add the rest amount of in the French Press. Stir it again and close the lid. Now, let it sit for 3-4 minutes more to extract from the coffee grounds
- Now, push the plunger down until you reach the surface of the coffee grounds
- Pour the liquid into your cup and take a sip
- Easy to learn and use
- The best portable option
- The most versatile and inexpensive method
- Easy to brew and makes high-quality coffee
- Brewing takes time
- It has the danger of coffee sludge
A coffee percolator has two chambers. One is a water chamber, and the other is a coffee chamber. The water level should be a bit below the coffee chamber. There is a vertical tube in the middle of the percolator from the bottom to the top. It carries boiling bubbles to the top and releases them underneath the lid. The spreader plate distributes the water over the grounds. The extraction of the coffee goes into the water chamber. It repeats as long as the water is boiling. You can find both electric and manual percolators in the market. Also, there are glass and stainless steel-made coffee percolators from different brands. It is easy to keep track of the coffee color while brewing in the glass percolator.
Required equipment:
- A coffee Percolator
- Corse coffee ground
- Filter: no external filters
- Drinking water
- A heat source
- Serving cups or a carafe
Brewing process
- Take a clean coffee percolator and put the drinking water in first. Be careful because the water level must be below the coffee chamber
- Set up the vertical tube and coffee chamber
- Take the coarse-ground coffee and put the coffee chamber lid on. Close the percolator lid
- Now, put it on a heat source such as a stove or range
- When the boiling bubbles go up, the water gradually changes into coffee colors. Wait for a while so that the water can reach the boiling point. It may take 3 minutes or a bit more in the manual coffee maker
- Do not let the water boil this time. So, control the heat as you need the taste would be. Remove the percolator according to your coffee strength. But, do not brew for more than 7 minutes. It will make the taste bitter
- Remove the coffee chamber before pouring your coffee. Now, it is time to enjoy the percolator coffee in your mug
- Simple design and brewing method
- The percolator brews at a very high temperature
- You can have more manual control with a percolator
- Percolator coffee is stronger and more flavorful in taste
- Very durable, good for portability, and ideal for outdoor use
- Cleaning is very arduous
- It has a slower brewing period compared to other methods
- Percolator often over-extracts as it operates in high-temperature
Drip coffees
Clever Dripper
Coffee drippers are nearly similar to pour-over cup brewers. The clever dripper is a cone-shaped cup brewer with a lid at the top and a lock at the bottom. It takes coffee grounds and water and sits for 3-4 minutes for steeping. When you place the cleaver dripper on a cup or carafe, the bottom lock gets open. Then, coffee comes out of the cup through the filter paper. The whole process takes 5 minutes to perform in total. The coffee is light, clear, and well-extracted. This manual dripper is easy to clean as well.
Required equipment:
- A Cleaver dripper coffeemaker
- Medium-sized coffee grounds
- Filter: paper filter
- Gooseneck hot water kettle
- Serving cups or a carafe
Brewing process
- Take a clean clever dripper and set the filter paper
- Heat the brewer and cup with hot water
- Put the medium-ground coffee and add hot water to it. Close the lid of the cleaver dripper
- Wait for 2 minutes and give a gentle stir. Then, close the cap again and wait 2 minutes more
- Now, place the dripper on the cup or carafe. It will take 1 minute to drain the extraction into the cup
- The coffee is ready to drink. Add additives if you want
- Easy to use and doesn’t create a mess
- Coffee quality is similar to the French press
- Very affordable, lightweight, and great for travel
- A time-saving method that requires no prior knowledge of brewing
- The plastic-made body can wear down easily
- Not the best method for extracting the coffee oils
Siphon coffeemaker or vacuum coffee maker is the same. It has two chambers, a water chamber, and a ground chamber. This Siphon coffeemaker brews coffees with vapor pressure and gravity. Usually, the ground chamber sets above the water chamber. In some Siphon coffeemakers, the ground chamber is beside the water chamber sometimes. Both chambers connect through a balancing rod. This rod controls the heat source and brewing mechanism. So, it has another name balancing Siphon as well. It is one of the old brewing methods. Siphon coffeemaker usually makes with borosilicate glass, metal, or plastic. There is a glass rod that connects the water and the ground chamber. You can use filters of paper, cloth, and nylon. It uses the siphon technique to brew coffee. The setup also provides you with the feeling of a chemical laboratory.
Required equipment:
- A Siphon coffeemaker
- Medium-sized coffee ground
- Filter: paper, cloth, or nylon filters
- Drinking water
- A sprite lamp
- Serving cups or a carafe
Brewing process
- Put a cup of drinking water into the water chamber of the Siphon coffeemaker. And set a filter at the bottom of the ground chamber. Put the ground chamber above the water chamber. In balancing Siphon, set both chambers side by side
- Lit up the sprite lamp and put it beneath the water chamber
- When all the water vapors go up to the ground chamber, then put the ground coffee into it. Soak the grounds very well
- Remove the heat source or turn it off at this time
- After a while, the water chamber cools down and, the air gets condensed. Then, the extraction of coffee comes back into the water chamber through the filter and the tube
- Take off the ground chamber and pour the brewed coffee into a mug or cup
- A really fun method for making coffee
- Offers maximum control over the heating and steeping periods
- Guarantees full immersion of grounds in water to extract all the flavors from coffee
- It’s a delicate method of brewing
- The method demands that you stick around for the whole time
- Requires special filters, a butane heater, and the apparatus itself
Cold Brew Coffee
Most people think that cold brew and iced coffee are similar. But, the truth is these are not similar at all. Naturally, cold-brew coffee takes a long time to brew. You need a minimum of 16-20 hours of brew time. It is good if you keep it in the refrigerator overnight while brewing. If you do not have a freezer, you can brew it at room temperature. You can use French Press or coffee drippers to do cold brew. Cold brew can serve with ice cubes, milk, chocolates, and other ingredients. Cold-brewed coffee is less acidic and less bitter than regular hot coffee.
Required equipment:
- A French Press or coffee dripper
- medium-coarse coffee ground
- Filter: Cheese cloths or paper filter
- Regular drinking water
- Refrigerator or ice cubes
- Serving cups or a carafe
Brewing process
- Simply take your clean French Press or another coffee brewer
- Put the required coffee ground into the coffee brewer
- Pour the drinking water at room temperature. Stir it perfectly so that the grounds soak into the water
- Close the lid of the French Press or other brewers. Do not press the plunger down at this moment
- Now keep the brewer in the refrigerator for 16-20 hours
- Bring out the brewer from the refrigerator. Press the plunger down now to pour it into the carafe or cups. If you use another container with no filter, collect the extract after filtering. You can use filter paper, cheesecloths, or others
- Serve the cold-brewed coffee with ice cubes, chilled water, or other additives
Note: Cold-brewed coffees are usually concentrated extract. So, you must add water or ice cubes to dilute it before serving. You can reheat the cold brew coffees in two ways. Firstly, add hot water to the concentrated cold-brew coffee. Secondly, you can heat it on the stove just for a few minutes or microwave it for 30 seconds.
- Suitable for many coffee roasts
- Cold brew lasts for 2 weeks in a refrigerator
- It makes coffee that is low on both astringency and bitterness
- The method is simple but makes a strong, concentrated coffee
- A lengthy brewing process
- More costly than iced coffee
- More caffeinated than traditional hot coffee methods
Cold Drip Coffee
Cold Drip is a unique way to make your regular cold brew coffee. It results in a more concentrated, syrupy, and even boozy-tasting beverage. It allows cold water to drip slowly from one reservoir (via a tap) to another reservoir below to collect the coffee.
It’s a multi-tiered setup and it sits idly in a corner somewhere. Cold drip can be great homebrew for the summer days as it can also be used for iced coffee and iced lattes as well. As it uses cold water, it’s a lot gentler and has a lengthier brewing method. But fortunately, it’s not an overnight process like the cold brew. Moreover, cold brew is a full-immersion brewing technique, whereas cold drip is almost a pour-over method that is controlled by the drip rate.
You can use filter roast or espresso roast for cold drip. Filter roast is ideal for fruity black coffee. An espresso roast is good for a bolder brew and milky coffee.
Required Equipment
- Coarsely grind coffee powder
- One cold drip configuration (two reservoirs, one with a dripping tap at the bottom)
- Filter (paper or metal)
- Cold water
Brewing Process
- Set up your cold brew tools and equipment and insert any necessary filters into the bottom of the coffee chamber. The filter acts as a traditional filter to keep the grounds out of the brew
- We strongly recommend using an approximate 1:8 coffee-to-water ratio
- Make sure the grinds are even in the top drip chamber and place the filter on top of the grinds. Lightly press the filter around the outside edges to create a slight dome. This shape will help the water disperse through the whole coffee bed
- Now pour about 500 mL of water (room temperature) into the top chamber
- Set the drip rate (by adjusting the tap) to 1 drip every 2-3 seconds
- The brew will take at least 6 hours to finish
- Once brewed, place it in your refrigerator
Note: If the brew is too strong for you, dilute it with a 1:2 coffee-to-water/milk ratio with plenty of ice.
- This brew can stay fresh for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator
- It takes 6 hours, whereas a regular cold brew takes up to 12–18 hours
- Cold drip is much more complex, smoother, fuller, and enhanced in flavors
- Cold drip coffee needs much less coffee to produce a strong concentration
- Cold drip setup is difficult and unusual for most kitchens
- Cold drip takes much less time and it comes in small quantities
Nitro Cold Brew
Nitro cold brew is the latest trendy drink that’s been dominating the global coffee scene. It’s a simple cold brew that gets infused with Nitrogen — giving it a layer of Guinness-like foamy layer on top and an incredibly sweet and extra silky smooth texture. Nitro cold brew is naturally sweeter as well as stronger than traditional black coffee. Our recipe won’t take more than 5 minutes to this brew.
Required Equipment
- Homemade cold brew concentrate
- Additives (vanilla, syrup, and heavy cream – all optional)
- Whipped Cream Dispenser
- One small-sized commercial Nitrogen cartridge
Brewing Process
- First, make the cold brew coffee as usual. We recommend making a strong cold brew
- Take the cold brew out of your refrigerator and pour it into the whipped cream dispenser
- Seal the dispenser and add a nitrogen cartridge precisely
- Shake the dispenser for 30 seconds. Now, simply dispense the nitro cold brew into a tall 16-oz glass
- Let it rest for 1-2 minutes for the foam to settle on top. Add your preferred additives at this stage if you like
- Now it’s ready to serve and enjoy!
- It’s addictively smooth and frothy coffee
- It’s a cheaper and an easier homebrew technique
- Nitro coffee adds that missing element of a creamy frothy topping
- Nitro cold brew has little to no acidity and tends to be naturally sweet
- It requires no added sugar, making it ideal for those who are calorie-conscious
- Excessive nitro drinkers can have insomnia, heart problems, and anxiety
- Nitro coffee is caffeine-packed as one 16-oz. cup contains 280 mg of caffeine
Coffee Brew Bag
The coffee bag brewing method is similar to the tea bag brewing method. This coffee bag is not bulk in size. Preferably, it contains a small amount of coffee to serve in a cup. Each small coffee pouch has 7.5-12 grams of coffee grounds. You do not need a tremendous setup for using coffee bags. It is a simple and easy method to make coffee drinks. But the taste is very light and has no rich flavor as other brewing methods.
Required equipment:
- Coffee brew bags
- Corse or medium-ground coffee
- Hot drinking water
- Serving cups
Brewing process
- Rip the outer packet and put the coffee brewing bag in a cup
- Add boiling water to the cup
- Wait for 3-4 minutes. You can stir the liquid if you are not doing open-bag brewing. Some coffee bags need to open up for brewing
- Remove the coffee brewing bag and start taking a sip
- Ideal for subtle and lightly intense coffee lovers
- Hot water and a bag per cup make for a very simple setup
- Coffee bags are easy to work with as they are similar to tea bags
- Ultimate convenience as everything is filtered in the bag for you to enjoy
- Coffee bags are expensive
Moka Pot (Stovetop Espresso)
Moka Pot coffeemaker uses steam pressure to brew fine ground coffee. It has 3 chambers, a water chamber, a ground chamber, and a coffee collector chamber. It is considered a traditional espresso since it brews under 1.5 bar steam pressure. It creates very little crema as the Espresso does. As it is put on the stove to heat stovetop is another common name. Depending on the concept of the Moka Pot, modern espresso machines are building.
Required equipment:
- A Moka Pot coffeemaker
- Fine ground coffee
- Filter: Attached with coffee chamber
- Drinking water
- A stove
- Serving cups or a carafe
Brewing process
- Fill up the below 2 chambers with water and coffee grounds correspondingly
- Then, set the coffee collector and the lid. Now place it above a stove and light up
- Let it boil and make steam. When the vapor pressure is high enough, it drives the water into the upper chamber through the ground
- When the water chamber gets almost empty, it makes a gurgling sound known as Strombolian. It is time to stop brewing and remove the Moka Pot from the stove
- Now take the coffee collector and pour the coffee into a cup to serve
- Makes robust and rich coffee
- Durable, easy to use, and versatile
- The only way to make espresso on the stovetop
- Prone to messy leaks
- Can scorch the coffee if not careful
- Difficult to clean and brews only a small quantity
Aeropress is a portable and manual coffeemaker. In 2005, Alan Adler makes the design like a syringe. It has a cylindrical chamber with an airtight silicone seal plunger. The ground coffee and water are put into the cylinder for steeping. Then, filter the coffee by pressing the plunger. Aeropress can brew highly concentrated drinks nearly to espresso drinks. So, additional water may need before serving. You can use both traditional and inverted brewing methods to brew in Aeropress. It will take 30-60 seconds for steeping. And 1-2 minutes to perform the overall process. You can also make cold-brewed coffee in Aeropress.
Required equipment:
- An Aeropress coffeemaker
- Fine ground coffee
- Filter: paper filter
- Hot drinking water
- Serving cups or a carafe
Brewing process
- Take a clean Aeropress and place the paper filter
- Pour some hot water to heat the Aeropress and the cup. Then drain the water into the sink
- Take 14-20 grams of fine ground coffee into the Aeropress. And add water of 80-92 °C (176-198 °F)
- Give a 10 seconds gentle stir so that the coffee grounds can draw all the way
- Place the lid and put the Aeropress on a cup or carafe. Wait for 30-60 seconds for steeping the coffee
- If you use the inverted brewing method, then invert your Aeropress with the help of a coffee cup or carafe
- Now, push the plunger down. The coffee extraction accumulates in the cup
- Put additives if needed. Otherwise, coffee is ready to serve
- Easy to produce delicious brews with it
- Easy and oddly satisfying to clean up after brewing
- Extremely portable, ideal for camping and other outdoor functions
- It applies intense pressure to brew the coffee in less than 2 minutes
- It needs specific filters
- It makes a single cup of coffee at a time
Espresso is the most popular drink among modern-era coffee lovers. In 1901, the first espresso machine was introduced in Italy. Espresso coffee drink brews under high pressure and temperature. It has dissolved solids that make the drink thicker than other coffee drinks. A minimum of 9-10 bars and 90 °C (190 °F) is required. Espresso is the base form of many drinks. You can make Americano to cappuccino to caffé mocha from espresso drinks. The total caffeine is more limited than in regular coffee drinks since it serves in small amounts. It contains 65mg of caffeine, while regular coffee holds 150-200 mg of caffeine.
Required equipment:
- A Espresso coffeemaker
- Fine coffee grounds
- Filter: no external filter is needed
- Drinking water
- Serving cups
Brewing process
- Fill the water reservoir with drinking water. You may also use tap water since every espresso maker has a water filter to clean it
- Take the fresh fine ground coffee in your portafilter and tamp it properly
- Set the portafilter into the group head and place a cup under the portafilter
- Press the start button to start brewing
- The espresso maker brews under 90 °C (190 °F) and has a minimum of 9-10 bars pressure. This brewing process needs 30 seconds on average
- After the end of the brewing, you can serve espresso drinks directly. You may put some additives if you like
- Produces high-quality brew
- It’s one of the fastest brewing methods
- An espresso machine has a decade-long lifespan
- Espresso brewing is difficult but equally rewarding once mastered
- Can be an expensive option
- Demands a very steep learning curve
Turkish coffee
The brewing process of Turkish coffee is different than any other coffee brewing method. Turkish coffee brewed in a Cezve, a small long-handled pot with a pouring lip. The origin of Turkish coffee is the Ottoman Empire. It is also called Ibrik coffee in other places. Coffee and water are boiled with sugar. But it is not boiled for too long. This coffee is served in traditional “Kahve fincanı”, a small porcelain coffee cup. In Turkish coffee, a lot of ground coffee is in a suspension state, which is a drink with coffee. Usually, Turkish coffee does serve with Turkish delight or sweets.
Required equipment:
- A Cezve pot
- Extra fine ground coffee
- Filter: no filter paper is needed
- Drinking water
- A heat source
- Serving cups
Brewing process
- Take a clean Cezve where Turkish coffee is brewing
- Put extra fine ground coffee, water, and sugar at Cezve together. Give a decent stir so that coffee and sugar dilute
- Set it on the heat source and wait for 5-10 minutes to brew. Use low heat for brewing Turkish coffee. Otherwise, it will over-extract the coffee
- When it reaches the boiling point, remove the Cezve from the heat source
- Pour the drink Cezve into the serving cups. You may add the flavor of cardamom, salep, or mastic if you like
- Serve Turkish coffee with sweets, chocolates, or any desserts
- It yields a smoother and sweeter brewed coffee
- Uniquely strong and concentrated producer of coffee
- Requires fewer coffee grounds for its steeping process
- Very close to espresso in terms of strength, flavor, and aroma
- Produces a small quantity of brew each time
- Grind size is finer than espresso, which is difficult to obtain
Vietnamese coffee
Vietnamese coffee is also familiar with Vietnamese iced coffee. The traditional name of this coffee is Cà phê đá. They use a small metal drip set Phin cà phê to brew this coffee. It is like the pour-over coffee brewing method. But, it does not discharge the liquid as quickly as pour-over. They use dark roasted coarse grounds to make this drink. They brew it with hot water but serve it with ice as a cold drink. There are a few other variants of this Vietnamese coffee. Condensed milk at the bottom of the brewed cup makes the serving drink too sweet. Sometimes, they use coconut milk to give it a different flavor. Egg coffee or Cà phê trứng is another variation. They use condensed milk, chicken egg yolk, and brewed coffee. Unlike the Cà phê đá, it serves as hot. Sometimes, they lit up a small candle to keep the temperature steady. This egg coffee is familiar in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Required equipment:
- A phin cà phê drip set
- Coarse ground coffee
- Filter: no external filter is needed
- Drinking water
- A gooseneck kettle
- Serving cups
Brewing process
- Put the sweet condensed milk at the bottom of the cup that you use for brewing. If you do not like sweets, then skip this step
- Place the metal plate of the Phin cà phê above the cup. Then put the metal cup of the Phin. Both the base and cup have lots of small holes at the bottom. It helps the coffee to brew evenly
- Now put the required amount of coarse-ground coffee into the Phin. After that, place the filter press on the ground. It helps the water distribution even
- Pour a small amount of hot water to bloom the coffee. Wait for 30 seconds. It is the infuse part of brewing
- Now, pour the water and fill the Phin cup. Of course, close the lid for a better brew
- You may need to add more water once or twice. And, the whole brewing process will not take more than 5 minutes
- After the end of the brew, remove the Phin cà phê drip set. Stir gently so that the brewed coffee mix with the condensed milk
- Now serve it with ice. You can drink the planned coffee if not like the sweet flavor of condensed milk
- A low-cost method of brewing coffee
- Portable, simple to use, clean, and keep
- Brews a distinctly rich, bold, and dark coffee
- Takes too long to brew
- The brewer isn’t a durable appliance
Puerto Rican Coffee
Puerto Rican coffee is popularly known as “café con leche”. It isn’t a very common drink on American café menus. It’s a close cousin of the traditional latte. It originated in Spain and was then brought to the islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico. Café con leche means “coffee with milk” in Spanish.
Just like the mainland Spanish coffees, it also carries a love for bold espresso flavors and creamy steamed milk. But the twist is its very own unique foam topping called espumita. This light brown froth is made of whipped sugar and espresso droplets. It takes only 5–7 minutes to brew at home.
Café con leche is very popular in the Spanish-speaking communities in the US (Puerto Ricans and Cubans) living in Florida.
Required Equipment
- A Moka pot or an espresso machine
- A spoon and a whisk
- A small bowl
- Filtered water
- Finely-ground coffee powder
- Milk and sugar
Brewing Process
- Prepare the espresso first in your espresso machine or Moka pot
- For a Moka pot on the stove, use medium heat to prevent scorching the coffee
- Heat up the milk (10–12 oz.) on a steamer, stovetop, or microwave. You don’t need to boil the milk
- Pour 2 tablespoons of sugar into a small bowl and add an equal amount of espresso. Start whisking vigorously until the mixture forms a light, sticky brown froth. Now you have the espuma as your topping
- Pour the brewed espresso (equal to double shots) into your coffee cup or mug and then add the hot milk. Stir it well
- Follow a ratio of 2/3 milk and 1/3 espresso for this drink
- Pour the espuma on top of your café con leche and serve!
- An ideal afternoon drink
- A delicious drink that’s rare to find in cafés
- A comprehensive and cheap alternative to regular lattes
- Ideal for those who like the sweetened milky deliciousness in their coffee
- Requires a lot of sugar
- Not ideal for lactose-intolerant drinkers
South Indian Filter Coffee
South Indian Filter Coffee is one of the most popular Indian breakfast beverages. South Indians love to pair this drink up with a variety of snacks or bread. In every South Indian home and café, you can get the waft of this freshly brewed coffee, especially in the mornings. The taste of this coffee depends on the coffee powder. Traditionally, South Indian filter coffee powder is mixed with chicory, which enhances the flavor of the brewed filter coffee. This coffee perpetration will take no more than 20 minutes of your time at home.
Required Equipment
- Saucepan (with handle)
- Filter coffee powder (espresso grind size)
- Coffee filter
- A drip coffeemaker
- Water, milk, and sugar
Brewing Process
- First of all, prepare the filter coffee decoction by adding coffee powder and water to your drip coffeemaker
- You should use 2 tablespoons of coffee powder for ½ cup of water
- Allow the decoction to drip for 10–12 minutes
- In the meantime, bring the milk to a boil in a saucepan
- You can sprinkle sugar into the milk while it’s boiling. Each cup of coffee requires 2 teaspoons of sugar. It’s best to use full-fat, creamy milk
- Finally, pour the dripped coffee into your coffee cups, and then pour the hot milk over the coffee
- Stir the mixture well and serve!
- It’s a vegetarian drink
- Filter coffee is less acidic than other regular coffees
- Filter coffee is free from unhealthy additives and preservatives
- It’s good for your heart as it removes certain substances that can increase blood cholesterol
- The chicory and Robusta in filtered coffee are rich in antioxidants and boost metabolism more
- Filter coffee has fibers from chicory that help to ease the digestion process and improve general gut health
- Consuming an excessive amount of chicory with milk and sugar causes stomach issues
Cowboy coffee
Cowboy coffee has the simplest way to brew. Cowboys or field workers brew this coffee. A lot of coffee is brewing to serve a bunch of people who work in the field. They brew coffee twice or thrice a day. There is no fixed amount of coffee to brew. It depends on how many people work in the field. As usual, cowboys do not put any additives in their coffees. They tasted it raw as it is.
Required equipment:
- The large size of the kettle
- Coarse ground coffee
- Filter: no filter paper is needed
- Drinking water
- A heat source
- Serving cups
Brewing process
- Take the kettle and pour the water into it
- Place it on the heat source and let it boil
- Remove the kettle from the heat source and wait for 30 seconds
- Add ground coffee and stir it. Now, wait for 2 minutes
- Again agitate it and pour half a cup of drinking water so that every ground can soak well. And, wait 2 more minutes
- Now, pour the coffee extraction into cups and serve yourself
- You can brew one whole pot at a time
- It’s a simple and straightforward brewing method
- Coffee is full-bodied, rich, and less acidic than other methods
- Designed specifically for outdoor events and large gatherings
- Requires more caution and monitoring when brewing as it has a high risk of over-brewing
Instant coffee
Instant coffee is none other than extra-fine ground. Sometimes this ground coffee is mixed with power milk and sugar. You merely need to add hot water to it and drink it. It is easier than the coffee brewing bag method. It is not time-consuming at all. But it could not provide the complex flavor of coffee in cups.
Required equipment:
- Instant coffee
- Extra fine ground coffee
- Hot drinking water
- Serving cups
Brewing process
- Take a cup and put the needed amount of instant coffee in it
- Add hot water and stir it until the coffee ground dissolved in the water
- The coffee is ready and ready to please you
- Has a long shelf life
- The fastest way to brew coffee
- A wide range of flavors and roasts are available
- It produces less waste and has a low price for a cup
- One of the simplest and most popular methods of brewing coffee
- Most instant coffees have some sort of additive in them
- The manufacturing stage takes away a lot of characteristics of the coffee
What Is The Best Coffee Brewing Method?
Different types of coffee brewing methods let you taste the distinctive flavor of cups. You have to consider a lot of things if you want to know the best brewing method. It is not an easy task to find the best process among different coffee-making methods.
The dominant parameters that we need to consider for the best brewing method are,
- Taste of the coffee drink
- Sweetness or bitterness
- The rich and smooth flavor of coffee
- Clear or cloudy coffee drink
- The amount of brewing coffee
- The time complexity of the brewing method
- Is the brewing method complicated or simple?
- Roasting profile of coffee beans
- Grind size of coffee beans
- No additives while comparing coffee drinks
Yes, it is very complex to determine the best brewing methods for coffee. But I can help you out here. We do not want to go and pick one for you blindly. Preferably we categorize and suggest to you the best brewing methods. Because we believe, every person is distinctive and has their preferences. So, selecting only one process will not work out for the rest 99% of people. Pick the suitable one from the below list.
Among the pour-over collections,
- Chemex: clear, light, and less bitter drink
When you are the only person and need a single brewer:
- French Press: small, thick, rich, and intense flavor with easy brewing
- Moka Pot: heavy, smooth, and rich flavoring with fine ground brewing
Are you getting together with family or friends at your place? You need to brew a bunch of coffee to drink together. Pick one from below.
- French Press
- Pour-over or Drip
- Espresso
On summer days, pick cold-brewed coffee directly. It doesn’t matter whether you are alone or among others. You can brew it from a single cup to a large jar.
- French Press
- Espresso-based cold drinks
In case you are at the camping sites:
- AeroPress: portable, simple, thick, and with less brewing time
- Kalita Wave or Hario V60 (steel and copper made): portable, simple, light drinks
Except for all regular coffees, Espresso drinks make their place in the heart of coffee lovers. If you want to brew at home, then use,
- Automatic espresso machine
If you want a pleasant and eye-soothing brewing, then perform in a laboratory setup. It will give you different satisfaction.
- Siphon
- Percolator
Do you have a special occasion or party at your place? You may try a particular coffee brewing process to impress your guest.
- Espresso
- Turkish coffee
- Vietnamese coffee
If you have no time but curving coffee badly, then you can try these. Maybe caffeine is your only priority.
- Coffee brewing bag
- Instant coffee
How to Find the Best Cup for You?
If you brew coffee yourself, then this is the right place you get inside. Maybe you are not satisfied with the coffee that you are drinking. Then, you may try other coffee-making methods to know if there are any that suit you. It is a wise decision to vary the roasting profile and use different ways to brew coffee. Use a record chart to note down the flavors to find out your favorite cup of joe. Of course, it is a time-consuming way to check different coffee brewing methods. You may get bored as well. But trust me; you will thank me later for this.
What points should be in your testing chart? Follow the below suggestions.
- Bean types
- Roasting profile
- Grind size
- Coffee-to-water ratio
- The brewing method that you used
- Brewing time
- Type of filter paper and so on
You can record other parameters if you want. Those may include brewing temperature, water types, and others.
Tips On Improving Home Brewing
Home brewing can be as good as your favorite café. You just have to add these special tips to your brewing process.
- For café-level brewing at home, grind your coffee beans fresh before brewing to ensure the most flavorful cup out of your beans!
- To achieve perfect balance, use a measuring scale
- Burr grinders last a long time and produce excellent grinding results – so go and get one!
- Read and master different grind settings
- It’s essential that you perfect your coffee-to-water ratio for various methods
- 98.5% of brewed coffee is water. So use purified water but avoid distilled water as coffee’s water does need some minerals to brew properly
- Keep your brew water at the optimal temperature, between 195 and 205 degrees F
- Pre-heat and pre-wet the internal brewing parts and tools to prevent the loss of heat
- Blooming exhales the CO2 out of the grounds to ensure impeccable extraction. Use a 2:1 hot water to coffee ratio and wait 30 seconds to let it happen
- Make sure that all of the coffee grounds get in full contact with water for an equal amount of time
- The best part of brewing coffee at home is the ability to experiment! Try different methods, beans, and dosages for your brews
Which coffee brewing method is the healthiest?
According to a scientific study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology on April 22, 2020, filtered coffee (especially with a paper filter) is better for your health. [Source: Harvard Health Publishing]
What is the easiest way to make coffee?
Pour-over or drip method is one of the oldest, simplest, fastest, and cheapest ways to brew coffee.
Which coffee method has the most caffeine?
The espresso method has undoubtedly the highest amount of caffeine per ounce.
Is Pour-Over Coffee healthier than Drip?
Pour-over is healthier in this case as it has less cafestol.
Is boiling coffee harmful?
You can boil the water for the coffee and then pour the coffee grounds into the brew; that’s okay. But boiling already brewed coffee again is harmful.
What brewing method takes the longest?
Steeping, or, popularly known as “Immersion”, is the longest coffee brewing method (12–24 hours). Cold brew follows the steeping method.
What happens if you steep coffee too long?
The coffee will simply turn too bitter to drink and will have many bad chemical compounds.
I hope now you are satisfied with those detailed brewing methods. If you are unhappy with your current cup, then try another from the above list. Since we mentioned the equipment, it will not be hard to start. Remember our testing suggestion if you brew your cup. It will take some time of yours, but you can have your favorite. So, what are you waiting to do? Brew coffee using your favorite method and enjoy the last sip of the java.
Happy Brewing!