50 Different Types of Coffee Drinks Explained

Would you like a cup of coffee?

What kind of coffee do you enjoy?

The core beverage we get from an espresso machine is the classic espresso. From this robust foundation, we can create a variety of delicious drinks by adding milk and other ingredients in different ratios.

For instance, an Americano is simply espresso mixed with hot water, offering a milder, smoother flavor. A Cappuccino or a Latte, on the other hand, is crafted by blending espresso with steamed milk and a delightful layer of milk foam. If you’re in the mood for something sweeter, a Café Mocha combines espresso, milk, and a rich touch of chocolate.

We have a variety of coffee drinks.

Let’s dive into the fascinating details about the different types of coffee drinks!

The flavor of a coffee drink is influenced by several factors: the type of coffee beans, the production and roasting process, the grind size of the roasted beans, the brewing method, and even how the coffee is served.

When we talk about coffee, we’re discussing one of the most traded and widely celebrated beverages worldwide. It’s a drink enjoyed by people of all communities, faiths, and ages—bringing everyone together over a cup of warmth. Did you know that over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed globally every single day?

Join us on an exciting journey into the world of coffee. Who knows? You might just become a coffee connoisseur yourself someday!

Classification Of Coffee

Types Of Coffee Beans

There are more than 120 species of coffee beans globally, but two dominate the coffee industry:

  • Arabica
  • Robusta

Arabica, often considered superior, is prized for its smooth, complex flavors and lower caffeine content, making it a favorite for specialty coffee. Robusta, on the other hand, is known for its bold, strong taste with a slightly bitter profile and higher caffeine levels. These two species form the backbone of commercial coffee production, each offering unique characteristics that cater to diverse preferences.

Types Of Coffee Roasts

That’s all there about to coffee beans. Do you think our discussion ends here? No. It’s just the beginning. And have a little patience. Have you ever wondered whether the taste of coffee solely depends only on the coffee beans? Furthermore, how are you frying or roasting coffee beans?  And how long have you been roasting? The taste of your coffee also depends on these.

Roasting procedures convert the physical and chemical properties of green beans into roasted coffee stocks. For roasting green coffee beans at home, we can use a special thin metal pan and a stirring spoon. We usually fry or roast coffee beans in three ways. They are-

  • Light roast
  • Medium roast
  • Dark roast

Types Of Coffee Grinds

Crafting the perfect cup of coffee requires attention to several factors, but from a barista’s perspective, nothing is as crucial as the grind size.

Believe it or not, the size of your coffee grounds has a significant impact on the taste of your beverage. In the world of coffee, there’s a golden rule: coarser grinds require longer brewing times, while finer grinds brew more quickly. Each brewing method, from French presses to espresso machines, demands a specific grind size to unlock its full potential.

Using a high-quality coffee grinder ensures the best results, bringing out the rich flavors of your coffee beans. Don’t have a grinder? No problem—you can still grind coffee beans without one using creative alternatives.

By understanding and controlling grind size, you’re one step closer to becoming your own barista and mastering the art of great coffee.

Our regular used grind sizes are-

  • Extra Coarse Grind
  • Coarse Grind
  • Medium-Coarse Grind
  • Medium Grind
  • Medium-Fine Grind
  • Fine Grind
  • Extra Fine Grind

Types Of Brewing Styles

Since there are many things we need to consider for making a perfect cup of coffee drinks, we have to pay special attention to brewing styles.

We can brew Coffee in several different ways, but we categorize all kinds of brewing methods into four main groups. We do classify them based on how we mix the water into the coffee grounds. The main four groups are-

  • Decoction or boiling
  • Infusion or steeping
  • Gravitational feed or Filtration methods
  • Pressurized percolation

Let’s take a peek closer at these four main methods.

Decoction or Boiling:

In this process, we keep the temperature of the water closer to the boiling point, and it is almost 96°C. Do you know? It is the oldest and most common method of brewing coffee. Take some ground coffee in a pot and pour boiling hot water over it. Then wait for the coffee grounds to settle.

different types of coffee drinks

From the top, we pour down the dissolved coffee. As a result of boiling water, the aromatic oils of roasted coffee beans gradually release. The acid compounds get free as well during thawing.

People use the oldest method of boiled brewing until the 1930s. It is a traditional method for making a cup of coffee. Nowadays, it is still used by the people of Nordic and Middle Eastern countries, in some parts of Indonesia.

The most popular varieties of the boiling method are-

Infusion or Steeping:

Do you know what is the simplest way of making coffee?

We have called it the Steeping or Infusion method. In this method, we add ground coffee to the hot or cold water and wait for extraction. It takes several hours for cold water and a few minutes for hot water to steep.

types of coffee drinks

According to most coffee connoisseurs, steeping is one of the best ways of making beverages because it allows for longer time between water and ground coffee. The method extracts superfluous nice flavors.

In the steeping process, you should not follow any special technique. Besides getting the measures and proper steeping time, you should not worry about anything. The most popular variations of the steeping method are-

  • The Coffee Bag
  • The French Press
  • The Soft Brew
  • The Vacuum Pot

Filtration Methods:

Now I am talking about the classic coffee brewing method.

Do you guess? What is it? Yes, you are right. We have called it the filtration method.

In this method, we are pouring hot water over coffee grounds. Gravitational force pulls the hot water through the grounds, facilitating extraction, and dispenses extracted water into a pot placed below.

different kinds of coffee

This classic method takes more water and time as well as produces a rich, balanced coffee. We use various types of filters to separate the sediment.

In pour-over brewing, one question arises frequently.

The strength of coffee varies according to the grind size and ratio of water to coffee. Since this method uses gravity, so sometimes we have called the filtration method the Gravitational feed. The most popular variations of the filtration method are-

  • Cold Drip Brew
  • Hot Drip Brew
  • Pour-over brewing
  • Nitrous Coffee
  • Vietnamese Drip

Pressurized Percolation:

Now we are talking about a tricky coffee brewing method. Do you guess anything new? No, we do call it pressurized percolation. In this brewing process, we use boiling water at a precise pressure through the ground coffee. We do use a pressure force of almost 10 to 15 bars for this process.

different kinds of coffee drinks

We seldom use automatic electric machines, seldom plunger and pot. The most current varieties of pressurized percolation methods are-

  • The Aeropress
  • The Espresso Machine
  • The Moka Pot

And that is all about the brewing method for you.

Different Types Of Coffee Drinks and Their Preparations

So far, we have had numerous conversations about various coffee beans, bean roasting types, different grind sizes, and various brewing methods. Already you know how these affect the taste of the coffee. Don’t get confused, let’s see how we are combining them and producing different types of coffee drinks.

Types Of Espresso Drinks

In the world of coffee, the most famous type is espresso with a lot of variations.

When coffee was discovered back in 850 A.D. in Ethiopia, people started to drink coffee by brewing it in hot water. That practice run nearly a thousand years before the first espresso machine was invented.

Espresso machines changed the nature of coffee drinking. We drink a Latte, Americano, Mocha, Cappuccino and many more are all variations of espresso.

There are lots of good espresso machines available.

Espresso Shot (Single Shot):

It is the purest Espresso drink with a high amount of caffeine. Solo is originally called Single Shot Espresso. It is a normal strong Espresso drink.

types of coffee drinks - Espresso
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: finely ground beans (preferably dark roasted)
  • Ratio: 1:2 oz. (coffee to water, 1 oz. = 30 mg)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Forces high-pressure steam through finely grounded coffee beans
    • Requires tamping of the coffee ground
    • Uses a split portafilter

Espresso Shot (Double Shots):

It is the original Espresso drink with a higher amount of caffeine. It’s also known as Doppio. A double-shot Espresso is one of the popular forms of a strong coffee drink. Please note that Espresso making (single or double) is the fastest way of making a strong cup of coffee.

types of coffee drinks - Doppio
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: finely ground beans (preferably dark roasted)
  • Ratio: 1:2 oz. (coffee to water, 1 oz. = 30 mg)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Forces high-pressured steam through finely grounded coffee beans
    • Requires double the amount of ground coffee
    • Uses duo portafilter


In Italy, during the 2nd World War, the U.S. soldiers used water to ration the scarce amounts of Espresso available at that time. A larger amount of hot water is poured over into a small shot of espresso-making a weaker and large cup of coffee. Americans used this, so the Italians called it Americano.

types of coffee drinks - Americano
  • Origin: U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: Single-shot Espresso and hot water
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (single shot Espresso to water). Pour a 3 oz. of hot water into 3 oz. of single-shot Espresso.
  • How Is It Made:
    • Requires a single shot of Espresso
    • Pouring an equal amount of hot water on it to tone down the regular Espresso strength

Long Black:

A long black is just like an Americano. But rather than pouring the hot water on the coffee, you have to pour the coffee over the hot water. A complete revese Americano process.

types of coffee drinks - Long Black
  • Origin: Australia and New Zealand
  • Ingredients: Lightly to medium-roasted 100% Arabica beans-made ground coffee and hot water
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (single shot Espresso to hot water ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Prepare the hot water first
    • Pouring double shot espresso on the double amount of hot water

Café Macchiato:

Café Macchiato is a strong espresso drink with a few drops of frothed milk on the top. It is served in a traditional demitasse glass. Sometimes we call it Macchiato or Espresso Macchiato.

types of coffee drinks - Café Macchiato
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Espresso and a dash of foamed milk or frothed milk.
  • Ratio: 1:2 oz. (milk to espresso ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Pouring a small amount of foamed or frothed milk on top of strong espresso


Latte is a coffee drink with captivating art on top, prepared with espresso and steamed milk.

types of coffee drinks - Latte
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Single/Double shots of Espresso and steamed milk
  • Ratio: 1:3 oz. (Espresso to steamed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving glass, take espresso shots
    • Then add the steamed milk in an artistic form and serve

Latte Macchiato:

Latte macchiato coffee drink is a combination of Macchiato and Latte. It’s a very popular espresso-based drink among kids and very old folks as it has very little caffeine content.

types of coffee drinks - Latte macchiato
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Double shots of espresso, frothed milk, and milk foam
  • Ratio: 1:8:2 oz. (espresso to milk froth to milk foam ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving glass, pour the frothed milk until it fills up two-thirds of the glass. Now pour Espresso shots over it
    • Now pour the milk foam on top and serve

Piccolo Latte:

The Piccolo latte is a small-sized version of the traditional latte.

types of coffee drinks - Piccolo latte
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk (optional)
  • Ratio: 1:2 oz. (Espresso to steamed and frothed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving glass, pour the freshly-made espresso shot
    • Then add the steamed milk on top of the espresso and serve in a 4 oz. glass/cup


Cappuccino is an Espresso-based popular Italian coffee drink. It is a traditional combination of three layers – Espresso, Steamed Milk, and Milk foam.

types of coffee drinks - Cappuccino
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Double-shot Espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam
  • Ratio: 1:1:1 oz. (espresso to steamed milk to milk froth ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Add an equal part of steamed milk (2 oz) on top of the Espresso (2 oz)
    • Then, add an equal part of milk foam (2 oz) on top of the steamed milk layer
    • Serve it up!

Café Au Lait:

Café Au Lait is a traditional French style of coffee and milk combo. It is so much popular that you find it in European homes and cafes.

types of coffee drinks - Café Au Lait
  • Origin: France
  • Ingredients: Strong hot Coffee or Espresso, steamed milk, and sugar (optional).
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (Coffee/Espresso to steamed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Pour equal parts of steamed milk and hot Coffee or Espresso shots into a large cup simultaneously
    • Add sugar and stir well if you like to have it sweetened

Café Mocha:

It is an American variety of latte served with chocolate. It’s more popularly known as just “Mocha”. The name is inspired by the Port of Mocha, Yemen, from where the coffee started to export to the rest of the world.

types of coffee drinks - Mocha
  • Origin: U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: Double shots of Espresso, hot chocolate, steamed milk, and whipped cream/milk froth
  • Ratio: 1:0.5:2:0.5 oz. (Espresso to hot chocolate to steamed milk to whipped cream/milk froth ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • First, steam the milk and melt down the chocolate. Pour them into separate cups
    • Make the Espresso
    • Pour the hot Espresso into your 8 oz. cup/glass. Now, pour the hot chocolate and then pour the steamed milk
    • Now top it off with milk froth or whipped cream

Café Zorro:

Café Zorro is quite similar to Americano. It is a Spanish coffee.

types of coffee drinks - Café Zorro
  • Origin: Spain
  • Ingredients: Hot water, double-shot Espresso, and sugar (optional)
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (Espresso to hot water ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a 3 oz. small serving glass, take equal parts of hot water and espresso.
    • Pour the water over the espresso
    • Add sugar if necessary and serve


Lungo is an Italian-style espresso that requires much more water. Lungo takes 10 – 20 seconds more to pull the shot when compared to a regular espresso shot (20 – 25 seconds). It’s also less strong of a drink than an Espresso.

types of coffee drinks - Lungo
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Ground coffee (medium-roasted or medium-dark-roasted) and steamed hot water
  • Ratio: 1:3 oz. (Espresso to hot water ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Keep extracting your ground coffee until you produce 75 – 80 ml of liquid out of the brew head(s)
    • Note that normal Espresso shot carries 25 – 30 ml liquid. So, you have to produce triple the amount of liquid for Lungo
    • Apply manual shot control mode if necessary to control the time and flow of your Lungo shot


Ristretto is an Italian-style concentrated espresso coffee. It is also called a short shot. It is the exact opposite of Lungo and stronger than Espresso.

types of coffee drinks - Ristretto
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Ground coffee for espresso and steamed hot water
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (Espresso to hot water ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • After placing the portafilter into the brew head, pull the shot (ideal to apply manual mode)
    • Make sure to not go beyond 20 seconds of extraction (normal espresso shot time is 25 – 30 seconds)
    • Pour the Espresso shot into a 3 – 4 oz. shot glass and serve

Café Cubano:

Café Cubano is Cuba’s local and most popular coffee beverage. It has several alternate names such as Cafecito, Cuban shot, Cuban espresso, and Cuban coffee. Additionally, you can add milk and turn it into Café con Leche.

types of coffee drinks - Café Cubano
  • Origin: Cuba
  • Ingredients: Double shots of Espresso (made with strong dark-roasted) and 2 tablespoons of (25g) sugar
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (per Espresso shot to tablespoon(s) of sugar ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • First, start with the preparation of the Espresso
    • Then take 2 tablespoons of sugar into a bowl. Also, add the first few drops of espresso over the sugar
    • Stir the sugar and espresso mix until it becomes thick and foamy. This is called Espumita
    • Now pour the freshly brewed espresso over the Espumita
    • Mix the concoction well. Serve the light brown foamy and sweet Café Cubano!

Café Crema:

Café Crema is a much longer brewed espresso.

types of coffee drinks - Café Crema
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Hot water and dark roasted Robusta bean (coarse grind)
  • Ratio: 1:2 oz. (Espresso to steamed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Pull the shot with more liquid. Go manual, if you’re using an Espresso machine. If you’re using a Moka Pot, apply water at least 3 times more than per shot of Espresso
    • Pour the espresso into your cup
    • Pour the steamed milk on top
    • Add a teaspoon of sugar into it, stir, and serve

Espresso Romano:

Espresso Romano is an Espresso shot with squeezed and sliced lemon. It’s ideal for the summer.

types of coffee drinks - Espresso Romano
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Single shot espresso, squeezed lemon juice, and a slice of lemon
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving glass, pour a shot of espresso, then squeeze a piece o lemon
    • Add a lemon slice at the top and serve it in a small cup/shot glass


Cortado is a Hispanic espresso made with an equal amount of warm milk. It is also known as Café Noisette, Garato, Pingo, and Tallat.

types of coffee drinks - Cortado
  • Origin: Spain
  • Ingredients: Single shot espresso, warm milk, Milk foam.
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (Espresso to steamed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Prepare a single shot of espresso
    • Boil the milk
    • Pour the warm milk over the espresso and serve it in a shot glass!


Cortadito is a Cuban version of Cortado. It is hugely popular in the USA as well, especially among the Cuban-American communities.

types of coffee drinks - Cortadito
  • Origin: Cuba
  • Ingredients: Espresso, milk, and sugar
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (Espresso to steam milk ratio). For stronger preparation, use 3:1 oz. Espresso to steamed milk ratio
  • How Is It Made:
    • Start with espresso-making first
    • Add a teaspoon of sugar (per cup) to the espresso while it is brewing
    • Once done, pour the freshly brewed sweetened coffee into a shot glass. Fill it halfway into the glass
    • Now steam the whole milk. Once done, pour it over the espresso and serve!


Espressino is an espresso-based milk drink that has cocoa or Nutella. It’s a Southern Italian classic!

types of coffee drinks - Espressino
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Single shot of espresso, whole milk, and cocoa powder
  • Ratio: 1:2 oz. (Espresso to steamed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving glass, add some cocoa powder at the bottom
    • Then pour your freshly brewed hot Espresso on it
    • Pour hot steamed milk over the layer of Espresso
    • Finally, sprinkle some cocoa powder on top of it before serving

Café Bombon:

The Spanish term Bombon means confection. Local people of Spain use it as a dessert. Now it gets familiar worldwide.

types of coffee drinks - Café Bombon
  • Origin: Valencia, Spain
  • Ingredients: Single/Double shots of Espresso and condensed milk
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (Espresso to condensed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Prepare the Espresso first
    • Pour the Espresso into your Espresso cup (fill it to half of the cup)
    • Now pour the condensed milk on top to fill up the cup

Note: You can pour the condensed milk first and then the Espresso on top of it as well.


Marcochino is a Turin-based Italian espresso drink. Being an 18th-century drink, it paved the way for the modern-day Mocha drink.

types of coffee drinks - Marcochino
  • Origin: Turin, Italy
  • Ingredients: Single/Double shots of Espresso, frothed milk, and cocoa powder
  • Ratio: 1:2 oz. (Espresso to milk froth ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving cup, pour your freshly brewed espresso shot(s) first. Sprinkle cocoa powder on the Espresso until it becomes a thick layer
    • Now, prepare the milk froth. Once done, pour it over the thick cocoa powder layer in the cup
    • Finally, sprinkle a light layer of cocoa powder on top of the frothed milk and serve


Guillermo is a variety of espresso drinks served with a slice of lime. It is similar to espresso Romano.

types of coffee drinks - Guillermo
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Single/Double shots of Espresso and 2 slices of lime
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving glass, first, pour your freshly-brewed Espresso
    • Now submerge 2 slices of lime into the Espresso
    • Wait for 1 minute to steep the lime juice in the Espresso
    • Finally, take out the slices of lime and serve

Café Con Leche:

Café con Leche is a Hispanic mixture of strong and bold coffee with scalded milk. It is a very common drink to sit around the table at family gatherings in Spain.

types of coffee drinks - Café con Leche
  • Origin: Spain
  • Ingredients: Single shot of Espresso/strongly brewed coffee, steamed milk, and sugar (optional).
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (Espresso/Coffee to steamed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Take a single shot of Espresso or an ounce of strongly brewed coffee in a cup
    • Pour 1 ounce of steamed milk over the espresso
    • Finally, add a teaspoon of sugar, stir, and serve it with a cookie on the side!


Galão is a combination of hot espresso and hot Foamed milk. It’s the iconic Portuguese take on the traditional Latte!

types of coffee drinks - Galão
  • Origin: Portugal
  • Ingredients: Double shots of Espresso, whole milk, and honey/sugar.
  • Ratio: 1:3 oz. (Espresso to steamed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving glass, pour the hot Espresso first
    • Pour hot foamed milk on the Espresso
    • Finally, add a teaspoon of honey/sugar on top, gently stir, and serve!

Flat White:

A Flat White is a combination of espresso and frothed foamed milk. It is similar to Café AU Lait and Latte.

types of coffee drinks - Flat White
  • Origin: Australia and New Zealand
  • Ingredients: Double shots of Espresso and steamed frothed milk
  • Ratio: 1:2 oz. (Espresso to frothed milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a serving cup, pour the Espresso first
    • Now pour the frothed steamed milk. Make sure to create a thin layer of foam on the top
    • Serve and enjoy!


Borgia has quite deviated from the Mocha drinks. It is a layered combination of Espresso, hot chocolate, and whipped cream. In many coffee shops, you will find it as Café Borgia. Even though it’s an Italian preparation, the addition of orange zest on top shows the Spanish influence over it.

types of coffee drinks - Borgia
  • Origin: Italy with Spanish influence
  • Ingredients: Espresso/Strong Italian coffee, whole milk, whipped cream, sugar, and grated orange zest
  • Ratio: 1:1:0.25 oz. (Espresso to steamed milk to sugar ratio). Each 100 ml Espresso needs 25 ml of sugar
  • How Is It Made:
    • Make the espresso first and pour it into an 8 oz. serving cup
    • Now steam the milk with sugar mixed in it
    • Pour the sweetened hot milk over the hot Espresso
    • Pour the whipped cream on top of the milk
    • Finally, sprinkle some grated orange zest and serve!


Bicerin is a traditional, hot, Espresso-based drink by the native people of Turin, Italy. It is served in a small glass with layers of Espresso, chocolate, and milk.

types of coffee drinks - Bicerin
  • Origin: Turin, Italy
  • Ingredients: Single shot of Espresso, chocolate, and milk
  • Ratio: 1:1:1 oz. (Espresso to chocolate to milk froth ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a small 4 oz. serving glass, pour the hot espresso first
    • Now pour the molten hot chocolate on top. It’ll create a dark homogenous mixture
    • Then, the hot creamy frothed milk on top and serve

Espresso Con Panna:

The Italian form Espresso Con Panna means Espresso with cream in Italian. In the U.S. it is also called Café Vienne.

types of coffee drinks - Espresso Con Panna
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: Single/Double shots of Espresso and whipped cream
  • Ratio: 1:0.5:0.25 oz. (Espresso to sugar to whipped cream ratio). Ideal for double shots of espresso, this ratio.
  • How Is It Made:
    • First, take the sugar and whipped cream. Make a thick velvety mixture
    • In a serving cup, pour the hot espresso first. Then add the sweetened whipped cream over the top and serve!


Rafael Timerbaev a coffee lover of Russia drank this type of coffee. Gradually this coffee got popular and people asked the barista “Make that very drink you made for Rafael!” Finally, it got the short name, “Raf”. This is a hidden gem of the Russian coffee scene!

types of coffee drinks - Raf
  • Origin: Russia
  • Ingredients: Single shot of Espresso, cream, sugar, and vanilla syrup
  • Ratio: 1:4 oz. (Espresso to cream ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • First, make your Espresso
    • In the pitcher, pour the Espresso, cream, and sugar (1.5 teaspoons per cup)
    • Take the pitcher and use your Espresso machine’s steam wand to mix up the mixture
    • When the mixture turns velvety smooth and frothy, stop the process
    • Pour the drink mixture into your serving cup and serve

Note: You can use a French Press to mix and froth up the mixture if there’s no steam wand with your espresso machine.


In Portugal, Bica refers to café. The word Bica comes from the Lisbonians saying “Beba isso com açúcar” (coffee that comes with sugar). This drink is similar to Italian Espresso but has a little bit of a smoother taste.

types of coffee drinks - Bica
  • Origin: Lisbon, Portugal
  • Ingredients: Double shots of Espresso (use Portuguese Arabica-Robusta light roasted grind), Portuguese liquor Beirão, and sugar
  • How Is It Made:
    • Make a single shot of Espresso. Pour it into your espresso cup
    • Now add 2/3 tablespoon of liquor into it
    • Finally, add sugar on top, stir, and serve

Note: Add steamed milk in a 1:2 (Espresso to milk) ratio if you like to drink it like Latte.

Café Breve:

An American variation of latte is Café Breve. It is a combination of Espresso and a steamed half-and-half mixture of milk and cream.

types of coffee drinks - Café Breve
  • Origin: U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: Espresso and steamed half-and-half milk mixture
  • Ratio: 1:4 oz. (Espresso to milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Take the Espresso shot into your serving cup
    • Add steamed milk from the half-and-half mixture on top of the espresso
    • Then use a spoon to add milk foam to the top

Different Types Of Iced Coffee Drinks

Café con Hielo:

Café con Hielo is a Hispanic version of cold strong coffee.

types of coffee drinks - Café con Hielo
  • Origin: Iberian peninsula, Spain
  • Ingredients: Single-shot Espresso/Ristretto, sugar, milk, and ice cubes
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a small serving cup, pour the hot espresso/ristretto
    • add 2-3 teaspoons of sugar to your espresso
    • Pour cold whole milk over the Espresso
    • Finally, throw 2-3 ice cubes into your cup/glass and serve


Freddo is a Greek version of espresso-based iced coffee known as Freddo espresso as well.

types of coffee drinks - Freddo
  • Origin: Greece
  • Ingredients: Espresso shots, sugar, milk, and ice cubes
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a cocktail shaker, pour your freshly brewed hot Espresso (double shot of espresso)
    • Shake it for making a foamy form
    • Pout it on your serving glass
    • Add 2 teaspoons of sugar on top of the foamy espresso
    • Now throw 2-3 ice cubes into the glass
    • Froth the milk with a whisker. Use 1/2 oz. of non-fat milk
    • Pour the milk froth on top and serve


Frappé is a Greek version of delicious iced coffee. It is so much popular in Cyprus as well.

types of coffee drinks - Frappé
  • Origin: Greece
  • Ingredients: Instant coffee powder, sugar, ice cubes, milk, and whipped cream
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a blender, add 2 oz. of hot coffee (made out of instant coffee powder), sugar, milk, and 4-5 cubes of ice cubes
    • Blend the mixture until it becomes frothy and slushy. Don’t forget to stir the mix in between the blending process
    • Pour it into your tall serving glass
    • Add a scoop or two of whipped cream on top of the frappe. Now simply serve it!

Café Affogato:

In Italy, Affogato is a very popular Italian dessert. The word Affogato means drowned.

types of coffee drinks - Affogato
  • Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: 2 scoops of Italian gelato/ice cream (preferably Vanilla flavor) and a single shot of Espresso
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a tall cocktail glass add 2 scoops of cold gelato
    • Now pour the shot of hot Espresso and serve

Café Del Tiempo:

Café Del Tiempo is a Spanish summer Espresso iced coffee.

types of coffee drinks - Café Del Tiempo
  • Origin: Valencia, Spain
  • Ingredients: Single shot of Espresso, a slice of lemon, and ice cubes
  • How Is It Made:
    • Pour your single shot of Espresso (not hot but chilled) into a small shot glass
    • Add a lot of ice cubes into it and top it off with a slice of lemon before serving


Mazagran is an Algerian version of a sweetened cold coffee invented back in 1840. It’s heavily popular in Portugal as well! It combines citrusy acidity with the bold flavor of espresso.

types of coffee drinks - Mazagran
  • Origin: Algeria
  • Ingredients: French-press coffee/Espresso, lemon juice, honey/sugar, and ice cubes
  • Ratio: 2:1 oz. (Espresso/coffee to sugar ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a glass, pour single/double shots of Espresso or coffee
    • Add sugar/honey into it and stir the mixture
    • In a separate serving glass, throw in 4-5 ice cubes
    • Now slowly pour the sweetened Espresso/coffee over the ice-filled glass
    • Squeeze a slice of lime over it and serve


Café Glace is a French version of iced coffee that is extremely popular in Persian culture as well.

types of coffee drinks - Café Glace
  • Origin: France
  • Ingredients: Double shots of Espresso, fresh cold milk, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and hot chocolate powder (optional)
  • Ratio: 1:3 oz. (Espresso to milk ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a cup, take 1 teaspoon of sugar
    • pour hot espresso shots over it and stir well
    • In a tall serving mug, add 2-3 scoops of vanilla ice cream
    • Pour your sweetened Espresso over the ice cream
    • Add cold milk over the espresso and stir
    • Add whipped cream on top
    • Sprinkle hot chocolate powder on top and serve

Nitro coffee:

Nitro coffee is a simple cold brew coffee. Coffee is infused with Nitrogen. It makes the coffee sweeter and smoother. Some say it makes the cold brew taste like Guinness beer.

types of coffee drinks - Nitro coffee
  • Origin: Portland, U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: Black cold coffee and Nitrogen
  • How Is It Made:
    • Prepare the cold brew beforehand over the night
    • Pour some of the brewed coffee into a cocktail shaker and lock its head with a Nitrogen cartridge
    • Shake it before dispensing the brew into a tall serving glass

Dalgona Coffee:

Dalgona coffee is a foamy combination of instant coffee powder, sugar, and water. It is served over cold milk with a top of honey, cocoa powder, etc.

types of coffee drinks - Dalgona coffee
  • Origin: Korea
  • Ingredients: instant coffee powder, sugar, water, ice cubes, and milk
  • Ratio: 1:2:1 tablespoon (instant coffee powder to sugar to water ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Mix the instant coffee powder, sugar, and water in a mixing bowl
    • Mix and whip it with a whisker until it gets creamy and airy
    • In your serving glass pour the cold milk and add 2-4 ice cubes
    • Finally, pour the whipped coffee mixture on top of the milk and ice
    • Stir it gently before serving it

Coffee With Espresso

Red Eye:

Red Eye is a fortified coffee drink. Because it comprises a shot of Espresso with a cup of regular drip coffee.

types of coffee drinks - Red Eye
  • Origin: U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: Espresso and coffee
  • Ratio: 1:4 oz. (Espresso to coffee ratio).
  • How Is It Made:
    • First, prepare a single shot of Espresso
    • Then, brew the drip coffee
    • Now pour the drip coffee into the serving glass. On top of it, pour the Espresso and serve it hot

Note: It has to be a single shot of Espresso!

Black Eye:

Black Eye is another energizing coffee drink. It is almost the same drink as the Red Eye. But it requires a combination of double shots of Espresso with a regular drip coffee.

types of coffee drinks - Black Eye
  • Origin: U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: Double shots of Espresso and drip coffee
  • Ratio: 1:4 oz. (Espresso to drip coffee ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In your serving cup, first, pour the 8 ounces of hot drip coffee
    • Now, pour the 2 ounces of freshly made double shots of Espresso into it
    • Stir and serve!

Lazy Eye:

Lazy Eye is a stimulating coffee drink that is made with decaf coffee and Espresso. It’s been invented for those who want a toned-down version of the Red Eye and Black Eye coffee drinks.

types of coffee drinks - Lazy Eye
  • Origin: U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: Double shots of Espresso and decaffeinated dripped coffee
  • Ratio: 1:1 oz. (Espresso to coffee ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Prepare the double shots of Espresso
    • Then, prepare equal amounts of decaffeinated drip coffee
    • Pour the coffee into your serving cup and then pour an equal amount of Espresso
    • Stir and serve!

Dead Eye:

Dead Eye is another version of Espresso and drip coffee mixture. And this one is the strongest of them all.

types of coffee drinks - Dead Eye
  • Origin: U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: Triple shots of Espresso and drip coffee
  • Ratio: 3:8 oz. (Espresso to drip coffee ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • Make the triple shots (3 oz.) of Espresso and a cup of drip coffee (8 oz.)
    • Now pour the coffee first into your serving glass. Only then pour the espresso over the coffee
    • Stir and serve!

Black Coffee

Black Coffee:

Black coffee is a normally brewed coffee serving without any additives such as Cream, Milk, Flavors, and any sweetener or sugar.

types of coffee drinks - Black coffee
  • Origin: In the 15th century, Yemen
  • Ingredients: Dark roasted coffee ground and water
  • How Is It Made:
    • Adding boiling water and dark the roasted coffee ground to a coffee brewer or dripper
    • Wait 2-4 minutes (depending on the coffee-making device) for the coffee to be fully bloomed
    • Serve in an 8 oz. cup/mug/glass

Mexican Spiced Coffee/ Café de Olla:

Mexican Café de Olla means Pot coffee. It is a traditional Mexican drink prepared in a clay pot with spices.

types of coffee drinks - Café de Olla
  • Origin: Mexico
  • Ingredients: Ground coffee, cinnamon, piloncillo (solid form of sugarcane juice). Optional spices and condiments: anise, clove, and orange peel
  • How Is It Made:
    • In an Olla, the traditional clay pot, pour water, add cinnamon, star anise, and clove. Cook until the water gets boiled
    • After boiling, add piloncillo to the mixture (according to taste) and boil until the piloncillo dissolves
    • Now add coffee grounds to the mixture stir and cover it.
    • Steep for 5 minutes or more
    • Strain through cheesecloth to a cup and serve it in an 8 oz. cup

Moroccan Spiced Coffee:

It is a traditional spiced coffee in Morocco.

types of coffee drinks - Moroccan Spiced Coffee
  • Origin: Morocco
  • Ingredients: ½ cup espresso beans, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, black pepper, and Ginger
  • How Is It Made:
    • Add coffee beans and all spicy ingredients in a grinder and grind to a fine level
    • Take 2 tablespoons of spiced ground coffee  per serving
    • Use a French press, stovetop mocha, or espresso machine for brewing
    • After brewing, serve it hot
    • According to your choice, you can add sugar and milk

Turkish coffee/Ibrik coffee:

Turkish coffee brewing method is an ancient brewing style. Finely ground roasted coffee is boiled 3 to 4 times in a pot to prepare the coffee. The pot is called a Cezve.

types of coffee drinks - turkish coffee
  • Origin: Turkey
  • Ingredients: Finely ground (finer than Espresso) roasted Arabica or Arabica and Robusta blend coffee
  • Ratio: 1:9 oz. (coffee grind to water ratio)
  • How Is It Made:
    • In a Cezve pot, add water and cook till boiling
    • After boiling, add coffee grounds to the boiling water and keep boiling
    • Boil the concoction for 2 or 3 more times
    • Serve it hot in a 4 oz. small espresso cup with some desert on the side (i.e. Turkish delight)

Caffeine Free Coffee

New Orleans Coffee:

New Orleans coffee is known as caffeine-free coffee.

types of coffee drinks - New Orleans coffee
  • Origin: Louisiana, U.S.A.
  • Ingredients: strong ground coffee, chicory, water, and sugar
  • How Is It Made:
    • Put the Chicory and coffee powder mix into the boiling water
    • Brew it for 4-6 minutes. Let the chicory completely infuse into the water and coffee
    • Add a teaspoon of sugar and serve in a cup

Note: Roast the Chicory first. You can either put it directly in the coffee grind before brewing. Or, grind the chicory up and mix it up with the coffee powder before brewing.

Taste Of Coffee By Region

When people first try coffee, they often find it bitter and brownish. Over time, coffee lovers learn to appreciate a wide range of flavors, like fruity or nutty notes, without adding extra ingredients. The key lies in the origin of the coffee beans.

Coffee beans from different parts of the world have unique tastes. The main regions can be divided into three categories:

  • Africa: Known for fruity or floral notes (e.g., Ethiopia’s berry flavors, Kenya’s juicy grapefruit).
  • Asia: Earthy, smoky flavors (e.g., Sumatra’s deep earthy notes, India’s creamy Monsoon Malabar).
  • America: Balanced flavors with nutty or chocolaty notes (e.g., Brazil’s nutty taste, Colombia’s caramel sweetness).


What are the different types of coffee drinks?

The main types of coffee drinks are:

Drip coffee, espresso, cappuccino, latte, mocha, Americano, cold brew, iced coffee, frappe, and macchiato.

What are the most popular coffee drinks?

The most popular coffee drinks are:


What are the 4 types of coffee?

The 4 main types of coffee are Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa.

What are the names of 5 coffee?

Here are the names of five popular types of coffee:

What Is An Espresso?

An espresso is a concentrated coffee drink made by forcing hot water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans.

What is the most common type of coffee?

The most common type of coffee is Arabica.

What type of coffee is the strongest?


What is the creamiest coffee drink?

The creamiest coffee drink is usually a Cappuccino or a Latte. Both drinks feature a generous amount of steamed milk, but the texture and creaminess can vary.

What is the sweetest type of coffee drink?

The sweetest type of coffee drink is a Mocha/Café Mocha.

What drink is half milk and half coffee?

A drink that is typically half milk and half coffee is called a “Café au Lait.” It is made with equal parts brewed coffee and steamed milk, offering a smooth and balanced flavor. This drink is popular in France and is similar to a latte, but with brewed coffee instead of espresso.

What is the nicest coffee to drink?

The Kona coffee from Hawaii is considered one of the nicest and most flavorful coffee varieties to drink.

What is coffee with milk called?

Coffee with milk is commonly referred to as a “latte” in many coffee shops, especially when it includes steamed milk and a small amount of foam. If it’s just regular coffee with milk added (without frothing), it’s simply called “coffee with milk” or sometimes a “white coffee”. The name can vary depending on the preparation and the region.

What coffee do most Americans drink?

The most commonly consumed coffee in the United States is drip coffee. Other popular choices in the U.S. include espresso-based drinks like lattes, cappuccinos, and Americanos, especially in coffee shops.

What is coffee with heavy cream called?

A latte.

What is the best tasting coffee?

The “best tasting” coffee is subjective and depends on personal preference, but some popular choices among coffee enthusiasts include: Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Jamaican Blue Mountain, Sumatra Mandheling, Hawaiian Kona, Panama Geisha.

What are coffee cocktails called?

Coffee cocktails are often referred to as “coffee-based cocktails” or “coffee drinks”. Some popular examples include: Irish Coffee, Espresso Martini, Black Russian, White Russian, Café Amaretto.

What is the weakest coffee?

Decaf coffee, which contains little to no caffeine. In terms of regular coffee, espresso-based drinks with a high milk ratio, like a latte, are considered weaker due to their mild flavor and diluted strength.

What is the world’s most expensive coffee?

The world’s most expensive coffee is Kopi Luwak, made from beans eaten and excreted by civet cats. It can cost $100–$600 per pound, though ethical concerns exist about its production.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the world of coffee offers an incredible variety of drinks, each with its unique flavors, textures, and preparation methods. From the bold simplicity of an espresso to the creamy indulgence of a latte or the rich sweetness of a mocha, there’s a coffee drink to suit every palate and mood. Exploring these diverse options not only enhances your coffee experience but also deepens your appreciation for the craftsmanship and creativity behind each cup.

So, whether you’re a seasoned coffee enthusiast or just beginning your journey, there’s always more to discover in the wonderful world of coffee!

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